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Sand Crane Framed Art Signed by Jane Goodall for Sale

Continuing our series profiling the masters of nature photography, legendary wildlife photographer, Tom Mangelsen, explains the importance of mentors, and how he fits his life effectually nature's nifty events.

My life's itinerary is set up by Nature's beat. I work out the best times to photograph a field of study, and organise my life around that. Birds, for example, are more colourful and agile in springtime, but many mammals (such as elk and moose) look better in the fall with their new winter coats and antlers and displaying much more than interesting behaviour, rutting - challenging other males and gathering their harems.

But the most of import date in my calendar is the sandhill crane migration. Every year, I go dorsum to Grand Isle, in Nebraska, to the cabin of my childhood, to run into some 500,000 sandhill cranes terminate off in the Platte River valley on their annual journeying to Chill nesting grounds. (Some subspecies migrate 5,000 miles from Siberia to United mexican states.) It's one of the most dramatic migrations in the world and every flake equally impressive as the famous wildebeest migrations in Africa.

Cranes are aboriginal birds: bones of sandhill cranes take been found in Nebraska dating back 10 to 20 million years. For many cultures, these intelligent survivors symbolise peace, love, and longevity

They restore me like nix else. Fifty-fifty when I'm not in that location, I tin can still summon up the memory of skies concealment with these magnificent birds and their graceful courting dances and haunting cries I grew upward with. I've got thousands of pictures of cranes, most aren't particularly swell, merely I continue to take more photos of cranes but considering they mean and so much to me.

Tom'due south 2011 image, Ancient Journey - Sandhill Cranes, captures the emotional relationship the artist has with his bailiwick

Looking back, I realise that my career has been marked past the slap-up fortune of meeting some really special people, each of whom has, in their ain way, inspired, guided or mentored me.

The start and near influential was Paul Johnsgard, a world authority on waterfowl and a totally brilliant guy. I read an article about him, got in bear upon, and he ended up being my advisor in graduate school where I studied ecology and animal behaviour. He was also an amateur photographer and taught me the basics of bird photography. From that moment, I was hooked. He also  sketched and drew birds  and this had a huge impact on me as it got me thinking about how artistic approaches might be used in photography. So while I was taking photographs, I was studying inspiring artists such as Louis Agassiz Fuertes, Andrew Wyeth, and Robert Bateman, all of whom influenced my style.

Owen Gromme was another mentor, and his approach has influenced me enormously. In his painting Salute to the Dawn, Owen masterfully captures the essence of a whooping crane family: the behaviour, the calls, the pair-bail, the parenting, the anticipation of an egg about to hatch, along with intricate detail of the nest and the background of the far N, the warmth of the early morn's first light and coolness of fog lifting off the marsh - all that in one painting. Information technology is shot through with a feeling that this is a wild, clandestine identify, shared with u.s. through the castor strokes of an artist with imagination and knowledge.

Owen Gromme's Salute to the Dawn

This is what I try to practise with my photography: evidence animals in their social, behavioural and physical environment.

Tom'due south aim is to prove animals in their social, behavioural and physical environment. This image, taken in 2010 in G Teton National Park, Wyoming, is titled Start lite, grizzly bear

My next mentor introduced me to a very different medium: video. Burt Kempers taught me the basics of cinematography and editing, and in the early 1970s I made three films, including a series Flight of the Whooping Crane for National Geographic, which was nominated for an Emmy. In 1990, I filmed and produced Cranes of the Greyness Wind, about sandhill cranes, for PBS Nature and the BBC'due south Natural World This taught me how to tell a story through the language of film. Past doing this, I also realised how difficult single images take to work to tell a story in a single frame, without relying on movement, narration or sequences.

Tom won the 1994 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition with this paradigm, Great behave, piddling fox

I think competitions like WPY have a huge role to play in terms of ideals. For example, I loathe the game farms that keep wild animals captive for photography, movie-making and fine art: it is cruel and inhumane and in many ways has ruined the integrity of the profession and cheapened the market. I'm delighted that the WPY continues to fix the highest ethical standards in disqualifying images taken nether these conditions.

I suppose it's almost authenticity, and this is also why I intendance so deeply about fieldwork skills, something I talk about a lot in my workshops. Photographers should know how to get their image right in the field, not rely on fixing it on the computer. That makes a person lazy, which really frustrates me, because that then prevents them from engaging deeply with the subject. What I want to run across and nurture is their skill and artistry in the field.

I'm very focused, determined and patient: I can sit in a hibernate, barely moving, and tolerate everything from farthermost cold to bitter mosquitoes for days on end. If I fail to go the images I desire, or if I miss some natural event past a calendar week or ii, I will get back to the same place again, and again, until I succeed, drawing on the lessons learned and experiences from the final time I was there. When I await at my images, I often try to think about what is missing.

'I'grand very focused, determined and patient', says Tom. This image from 1988, ane of his most well known works, was the issue of weeks of planning, and hours of waiting at the now-famous Brook Falls, Alaska

Dwelling now is in Wyoming, and I try to spend near half the year at that place. If I'k there in bound, I can see the grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park, forth with moose and elk calves, and all sorts of other creatures. The residual of the year, I'grand travelling, photographing images for my express edition prints and attention events and book-signings at my eight Images of Nature galleries, which are at present in six US states. These are the consequence of a decision I took early in my career, again influenced past what artists were doing. If they could sell express edition prints of their art, I thought, why couldn't a photographer exercise the same? And so I did!

Around fifteen years agone, I met Jane Goodall. She became a corking friend and is truly inspiring, and so it was an honour to non only be with her for her 13th annual crane trip to my cabin in Nebraska last spring merely also to celebrate her 80th birthday in that location.  Every year we share the pleasure of watching the sandhill cranes and all the millions of migrating ducks and geese and the resident deer, turkeys, raccoons and all matter of life on the Platte River.  She teases me for being fond to cranes, and I recall she is right; I don't photograph wildlife for the money, or to check species off a listing, but for the sheer love of it.

Looking back on my career, I realise just how of import it is, both personally and professionally, to seek out friends and mentors whom yous love and respect. I would never take achieved what I did without support from these people, among many others.

Tom's tips:

  1. Notice someone whose work y'all respect and who is willing to guide you. Piece of work with them if you tin, whether it'due south in the form of apprenticeship or an internship or just as an informal mentor.
  2. Cultivate the ethic of getting the image right in the field, rather than relying on figurer shortcuts after. Information technology forces you to think hard nearly what y'all are doing and to master the basic skills of photography. It'due south most working very hard before you even press the shutter; your images volition be all the ameliorate for it.
  3. Be exceptional. Besides as field skills, you lot must exist incredibly passionate and hard-working and diligent, and you need to learn about animals, seasons, the weather, as well as photography. Yous can't just throw money at equipment and expensive trips and promise that is enough, because it isn't.
  4. It has get standard to expect a photographer to be able to shoot stills, simply it'due south also important to learn video skills and how to tell a story in the language of film. It'southward what the market demands.

If you do all that, and if in addition you also accept a natural power, and so in that location is a place for yous in the world of wildlife and nature photography.

Tom'southward piece of work is included in the book The Masters of Nature Photography: Wildlife Photographer of the Year, published by the Museum.


Tom won Wild fauna Lensman of the Twelvemonth in 1994 and judged the competition in the belatedly 90s. He is i of the earth'southward most celebrated nature photographers. He won the North American Nature Photographers Clan 'Outstanding Nature Photographer of the Yr' in 2000. In 2002, he received a Regal Photographic Society Honorary Fellowship and in 2005 he was named 'One of the 100 Most Important People in Photography' by American Photograph mag, one of only two wildlife-environmental photographers selected for the listing.

He has besides been recognised equally i of Nikon's 'Legends Behind the Lens' and 1 of Jane Goodall'due south Heroes on the network Brute Planet. In 2014, the International League of Conservation Photographers selected his paradigm Polar Trip the light fantastic toe equally one of the 40 Almost Important Nature Photographs of All Time.

His most recent book, The Terminal Great Wild Places, 40 Years of Wild fauna Photography by Thomas D. Mangelsen will be released in September 2014 and is available through his Mangelsen - Images of Nature Galleries or
